
The Pet (2006) Review

The Pet (2006)
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This will contain some spoilers, but this information needs to be known before you spend your money on this film. The Pet could have been a nice little film about a power exchange alternative lifestyle, even as unlikely as 24/7 animal/pet play may be. It had enough budget and was shot well enough. Even the actors were good enough(some were distinctly better than others though). Pierre Dulat as Philip was quite good. Andrea Edmondson as Mary/GG was also decent enough.
My BIG problem with the film is that the makers promoted it as a "true" look into a caring, power exchange alternate lifestyle. The maker's website description is misleading as is the film's trailer. They tell you the main characters are intruded upon by international slavers. In fact, the main characters (except for Mary/GG) are all business partners and friends in a kidnapping/murdering syndicate that deals in selling body parts and slave laborers. Philip's wish that Mary/GG not be sold as such is purely his personal wish. So, once again a chance to make a film showing the beauty of a loving dominant/submissive relationship is turned into just another demonization of the BDSM community. By this depiction, you are either crazy, evil or just plain stupid to participate in such a lifestyle. Yet, the makers promote this film as being about a loving consensual relationship. Its really just an exploitation film and
when you break down the ridiculous plot, there really is not much left to
like. One example of this plot is after a couple weeks of training, having your Pet be devoid of nearly all cognitive function(they do say that clearly). So, we have people talking about murdering their Pets and selling the organs right in front of them with no reaction. Oh, come on!
Non consensual Slave Trade is a serious subject and one that deserves much better than this film to bring attention to it.
Having said that, I did give The Pet two stars. It is filmed
well enough and it does have some nice scenes in it. Mary/GG and Nicky/Taps(played by Sommer Nguyan)fetching sticks in the nude outdoors
(in real snow and cold) is a standout. If you do see it, it is clear they did it for real. The other reason is the always lovely Lydia McLane(under a pseudonym Jane Steele), as Red. She has a particularly nice scene at the beginning of the film.
This is not a film to set as an example of any BDSM power exchange lifestyle. It is a terribly flawed, shamelessly misrepresented exploitation film. If you don't care about spending the money and seeing it for the few good scenes it does contain, you might get some enjoyment. If you are looking for a decent film about alternative lifestyles, The Pet is not it.

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