
Gift Review

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Any movie put out by a musician is going to be geared toward their particular fan base. This movie is no different. However, I get the feeling that even if a person was not a fan, and they kept an open mind toward the message this film is putting across, that there is a chance that they could enjoy this twisted tale of love and drug addiction.
While recording an album, Perry's common-law wife (there is footage of their santeria wedding on here in "flashback"), overdoses on heroine. He comes home to find her dead, and instead of immediately calling the police, he bathes and prepares her body, and it is implied that he actually has sex with her corpse. Sick? Well, duh... yeah.
Yet, when you sit and watch this movie, and put yourself in Perry's place, even if you have no necrophiliac tendencies (the author assures all readers that she has no such tendencies!), you can sympathize with him. After all, if you came home to find the love of your life dead, wouldn't you want to pay your last respects in private, without the rush of authorities coming to take the person away from you in a terrible state? Would you want all these people touching and hauling off your loved one before you could say good-bye in your own way? Not everyone reacts to death and grief in the same manner and the assumption that people do is poignantly addressed.
Granted, Perry is no actor, but he pulls this off with an amazing sense of sincerity that really hits home.
There are some funny parts, particularly at the beginning, and the rooster that roams their house is oddly hilarious, especially when one knows that this truly was one of their pets.
Perry is an intelligent person with intelligent points to put across. This shows in his music, this movie, and countless interviews when he is not discussing alien visitations. Intelligence and talent have always attracted me to this band, and "Gift" is just another example of this.
If you are a fan, as I am, there is no question that you will enjoy this movie. If you are not, you will likely enjoy it anyway provided you are into dark and introspective stories.

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