
Tough Guys (1986) Review

Tough Guys  (1986)
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A cast of old pros (Burt Lancaster, Kirk Douglas, Alexis Smith, Charles Durning, and a flat-out hilarious Eli Wallach) shine in a comic tale of nonconformity and criminal "readjustment".

As recently released cons trying to adjust to freedom, Lancaster and Douglas are in fine form. One really has compassion for all the amusing stumbling blocks that they, like many "elders", must endure. Smith, as the love interest of Lancaster, displays a beauty and elegance that can only be acquired by age. She possesses a stunning smile and gaze. Durning, as the police detective that captured the duo thirty years earlier, is relentless in his quest to prove that these "old dogs" haven't changed their spots.
Wallach, as the other reviewer has stated, is memorable as a bespeckled hit man with an agenda.
This may not rank along with other Lancaster-Douglas pairings like "Seven Days in May" or "The Gunfight at the O.K. Corral, but it does offer a last opportunity to see "originals" display their craft.

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