
Escape From Mars (1999) Review

Escape From Mars  (1999)
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Escape from Mars is a film set in the year 2016, in which five astronauts journey to the red planet, on the first manned mission to another planet. The film is reasonably realistic, although the build up to, and the climax, is rather unconvincing. Although the film is science fiction, it seems more like a recount, due to the weak message which the movie portrays, which I believe to be `taking risks can reward'. The plot, however, is complex enough to compensate for these matters. I believe that if the climax was more heavily anticipated and the message was emphasised more, then the movie would be very powerful.
The technical effects are very advanced. The spacecraft in which the astronauts travelled looks extremely realistic, and it's movement seems to abide to the laws of physics. To the untrained eye you cannot imagine how they filmed the spacecraft, although after playing the movie multiple times I did see a tiny string of nylon suspending the spacecraft in mid-air.
The amount of thought that was put into this movie was, in my opinion, was not as much as it could be. The movie at some points was lacking clarity, due to the fact that some sections were not emphasised enough, thus making it hard to understand. I also believe that the movie lacked some simple research, for example, when shots of the exterior of the space craft were filmed, you could here sounds, although sound does not travel through space. The astronauts were also filmed walking normally with their feet on the ground in a zero gravity environment, although this may be intentional, to show the technology advancement. As the film is set in the future, you would expect the technology to be different. In this movie, the technology has been changed adequately enough to show that there has been a technology advance, but so much that it becomes unfeasible. An example of the technology advance can be found within the computers used in mission control, which are a different shape and use a different user interface.
I believe that this movie was worth watching, and I did enjoy, because of the sense of realism, and the outstanding technical effects. It is obvious that a lot of work went into this movie, and that it should be commended. If I were to rate this film, I would give it four stars. Escape from Mars is appropriate for viewers older than eight, as it does require the presence of some technical knowledge and understanding. I would recommend this movie.

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