
Trailer Park Boys: The Movie / Trailer Park Boys 2: Countdown to Liquor Day (2010) Review

Trailer Park Boys: The Movie / Trailer Park Boys 2: Countdown to Liquor Day  (2010)
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I haven't been this happy to watch a comedy series, or anything for that matter, in I don't know how long!
Ricky, one half of the main character force, is powerfully ignorant; forcefully ignorant. Everything he causes to go wrong becomes somebody else's fault through his warped rationalization. He's uselessly wise about his own stupidity. It's a thing of beauty to behold! He's constantly setting up people with Knock Knock jokes that don't actually follow the Knock Knock rhythm just so he can tell people to f*** off. Each time he does this, I laugh harder than the last time! Rob Wells plays this character to the hilt and is the true comedic genius driving this entire show, in my opinion.
Julian is the straight man/tough guy/brains of the outfit. He comes off as seeming more intelligent but it's only because he has more poise. He's almost as stupid as Ricky. It does not matter what is going on, to include action scenes, Julian is NEVER without his rum and Coke, ice tinkling in the glass. It kills me!
Something is clearly dysfunctional about Bubbles in a fundemental fashion, and yet he is the most intelligent citizen in the park. He passionately curses non-stop in a way as natural to him as taking the next breath. His blisteringly foul language often pops up in the most benign of situations causing the funny quotient to leap upwards.
There's a guy who never wears a shirt, wears too tight white pants, has a huge belly, and there's no explanation given, ever, for why he's like this.
The "Bottle Kids" randomly appear to smash bottles on people's windshields or homes, while the people are there, and this is an accepted part of life in the park. These brief, yet intense little violences hit when you least expect them. I'm telling you. it's funny!
Ricky's six year old daughter rolls her own smokes.
As you might guess, I could really carry on about this show. It's spectacular! Comedy's audience is sometimes elusive but if you're a fan of stereotype driven absurdity then don't hesitate to watch this series.

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