
Sadomania ( Sadomanía (el infierno de la pasión) ) ( Hellhole Women ) Review

Sadomania ( Sadomanía (el infierno de la pasión) ) ( Hellhole Women )
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OK, briefly, women's prison movie, two guys show up, they help the girls escape, kill warden, the end. Franco, so that means a lot of silly camera effects, but no red and green lights this time. I think that about covers it.
The most interesting thing about this particular version is that everyone is topless, all the prisoners, most of the guards and even the (female) warden, all the time. Aside from lingerie, they don't even appear to own tops! There's a lot of R sex and nudity, and that's about it, practically no torture or whipping (which, considering Franco's lack of skill in filming such scenes is probably a blessing). There's also a lot that makes no sense, like, what exactly is the topless chain gang trying to accomplish hacking at the soil most of the way through the picture? And why, after all their breasts get dirty from working all day, is there no shower scene? There should be ten shower scenes in this thing, it looked pretty hot and sweaty to me, wherever it was filmed. Of course, the main purpose of shower scenes is to display some nudity, and there's no need for an excuse here, this looks like a nudie parody of a women's prison film.
Well, never mind, picking at a Franco film is a pretty empty exercise, but there's really not much here for fans of sex sleaze, despite the screaming DVD box descriptions, as usual. There's one minor pinning the medal on the prisoner (no shirt and no medal), but it pales next to the "Wicked Warden" pin scene. But all those swinging and bouncing boobs . . . we'll have to give it two stars for the NTRL factor alone (nudity to total running length), which is about 98%, a record.

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