
Wham-Bam-Thank You, Spaceman (1975) Review

Wham-Bam-Thank You, Spaceman (1975)
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I am not sure exactly what is expected from people that gave this film a poor review. It is 70's standard sexploitation schlock. No story, no acting, no dialogue. I would tend to think it rare to find ANY soft core 70's film to be much different. Still, the DVD is LOADED with great bonuses. If nothing else, consider it archival footage of the "late night after 11pm on a Friday night at Cinemax" film clip festival. There are some 6 trailers, all replete with nudity, as well as dozens of posters/ephemera of these and many other Harry Novak films that play on the screen while accompanied with audio tracks. The tracks are radio spots for these films, and I would dare anyone to find this stuff anywhere else. Best of all, there are two short films, one of which is VERY racy.
The goofy film gets 3 stars of 5 for the type of film it is. Let's not confuse it with Casablanca or Star Wars or something it should not be stacked against. The DVD itself gets 5 stars+ out of 5. A wonderful surprise to see a DVD so loaded with great stuff since the title itself is so poor.

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