
Splatter: Naked Blood Review

Splatter: Naked Blood
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Let's face it, you're not here for a story.
Yeah there is one, with a deep message about excess.
But you're here for the blood.
And when it rains, boy does it pour.
If you're freaked out by self-mutilation, give this one a pass.
I personally had to pause this movie a number of times to make it through.
It takes a while for the gore to get going,
(there is a story here after all)
But once it does, grab your umbrella.
Here's what it's about:
Eiji infects his mothers 3 patients (all women testing out a new contraceptive)
with the ultimate pain-killer,
A pain-killer that turns pain into mounting pleasure.
This in turn, has disasterous effects.
One pateint is obsessed with eating
Another patient is obsessed with beauty
And the last suffers from extreme insomnia.
(She hooks herself up to a cactus, in order to sleep. Why? I have no idea)
In this flick you'll see:
- one woman eat herself alive (hands, eyes, nips, and bajingo)
- another pierce herself to death (and I mean pierce)
- & a guy crawl into a woman's open chest cavity.
Sound up your alley?MORAL OF THE STORY:
The pain of life cannot be masked by excessive pleasure.
It will consume you.

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