
Home Movies - Season Two (1999) Review

Home Movies - Season Two (1999)
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"Home Movies" is the best of all Adult Swim shows, and when it was cancelled Cartoon Network instantly lost a large percentage of their more intelligent viewers. The show has the ability to amuse with subtlety better than any other cartoon I have ever seen, and this season is one of the finest. For season two the show changed from Squigglevision to Flash animation, largely for the better. Simultaneously the characters began to develop into more complete entities, yet remain complex and flexible enough to handle many diverse situations.
Of the episodes in season two, I particularly like "Hiatus" (the "jazz fight" is just wonderful), "Identifying a Body" (which has one of the strangest plotlines ever in a cartoon), "Pizza Club" (which features a wonderful scene of Walter and Perry going on about their inability to eat pizza due to lactose intolerance and spastic colon), and "The Wedding," which is perhaps the funniest episode in the set, once again featuring lots of subtlety (the floral arrangements, the rash, and the new minister ["I haven't done this recently...or in the past..."] all come to mind), and perhaps the best exchange of all time from Walter and Perry.
There are many excellent commentary tracks and extras, which fans will definitely appreciate.
I can't recommend this set or this series highly enough. Do yourself a favor and check it out: I can't imagine not loving this show!

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My Neighbor Totoro Review

My Neighbor Totoro
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This is not only one of my favorite childrens films, it's one of my favorite films period. This movie is truly magical. It achieves what Disney movies never do -- a wonderful story without the need to resort to evil villains or wise-cracking side kicks. In fact, two of the things I find most striking and refreshing about My Neighbor Totoro is the use of images rather than dialogue to propel the plot and the slower, almost contemplative, pacing of the action. (This is one children's movie that won't blare from your TV or yammer at your children!) The first time I saw this movie I watched a friend's pirated VHS tape in Japanese. I was instantly mesmerized and was completely able to follow the story, despite the fact that I did not understand a word the characters said.
And don't be put off because it is "japanese animation." This is not your father's japanese animation. The images of the tranquil countryside are sumptuous. Miazaki's attention to the little details of life, like a leaf floating in a stream or raindrops tapping an umbrella, evoke the simpler, purer times of childhood. The children's discovery of the totoro spirits in the old camphor tree recalls a time in every child's life when magic seems possible in the mundane world. As with other Miyazaki films, there is a thrilling flying sequence. However, this film is more appropriate for younger viewers than most of his other works, some of which are decidedly adult in nature despite the fact that they are animated.
As the mother of a toddler, I really appreciate the refusal to rely on cliche villians to keep the plot moving. However, I should warn other parents considering this video that the conflicts used to keep the plot moving -- the children's discovery of and search for the dust bunny and totoro spirits and Mei's desire to see her sick mother in the hospital which causes her to lose her way in the countryside -- might be upsetting to the littlest viewers without some parental company and discussion. Otherwise, I wholeheartedly recommend this movie whether you're 2 or 200.

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Critically acclaimed as one of the most delightful and charming family films ever, MY NEIGHBOR TOTORO is a stunning animated treat full of magical adventure from Hayao Miyazaki. Follow the adventures of Satsuki and her four-year-old sister Mei when they move into a new home in the countryside. To their delight, they discover that their new neighbor is a mysterious forest spirit called Totoro, who can be seen only through the eyes of a child. Totoro introduces them to extraordinary characters -- including a cat that doubles as a bus! -- and takes them on an incredible journey. Full of wonder and heart, this spectacular 2-disc set features the voice talents of Dakota Fanning and Elle Fanning. MY NEIGHBOR TOTORO is a magical experience for the whole family! © 1988 Nibariki • G

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41-Year-Old Virgin Who Knocked Up Sarah Marshall and Felt Superbad About It (2010) Review

41-Year-Old Virgin Who Knocked Up Sarah Marshall and Felt Superbad About It (2010)
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For the love of God please let this be the last of the "Spoofing Other, Better Movies" Movies, because this is absolutely the bottom of the barrel. For starters, somehow the people that made this movie failed to see that if any of those other spoof movies were actually any good, it was because they were making fun of movies that weren't already funny - i.e. satire. Making a comedy making fun of other comedies is just a stupid idea, and this movie is proof of that theory.
The acting is as bad as the writing - crap, crap, and more crap.
For the sake of us all, don't buy this movie - you'll only encourage them to make more and they aren't worth the plastic they're printed on.

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Police Academy (20th Anniversary Special Edition) (1984) Review

Police Academy (20th Anniversary Special Edition) (1984)
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This was a great movie from a lost age of silly moviemaking. While the sequals were too trying, the original is a classic from the 80s. Porky's, Animal House, Stripes and Police Academy are all cut from the same mold. Silly, mindless fun. This was when movies were dumb and a whole lot more fun!

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When the mayor decides that the doors of the police academy be open to any and all, the applicants swarm forth like hordes of losers in a colorful assortment of nonregulation sizes, shapes and eccentricities.

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The Phantom of the Opera (1989) Review

The Phantom of the Opera (1989)
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First off I rated this movie based on how much I enjoyed it... which is obviously quite a lot. The movie does have some inconsistencies and some acting that could have been better. (mostly in regards to American actors trying to sound British)
But if we're going to review this film fairly, we're going to have to quit comparing Englund's Phantom to Freddy. They have very little in common other than they're both hamburger-faced, viciously kill people and that they're played by the same actor. But what about the Phantom's one-liners in this film? Well, the Phantom is a bitter misanthrope, so that is where his hateful sarcasm comes from. Freddy's humor comes from the fact that he's gleefully toying with his victims. That said, I think this is a very interesting take on the Phantom legend. The story goes something like this; a young singer auditions for an Opera using a piece of music by an unknown composer, who also happened to be a murderer. She's hit in the head when a stagehand drops a sandbag and in a dream state experiences her past life in the 19th century London Opera. (the setting is changed from Paris to London, possibly to give the Phantom more of a "Jack the Ripper" edge) The familiar story then begins. Christine is tutored by her "Angel", becomes a big star and the Phantom then does anything and kills anyone to ensure her continuing success. The biggest differences in this film (besides its London setting) from the original story are that rather than being a genius born with a horrible deformity, the Phantom is a man who sold his soul to the devil for the immortality of his music. The price happened to be his face. He also gains supernatural powers and immortality for himself, as long as his music remains. (a concept borrowed from The Picture of Dorian Gray and De Palmas Phantom of the Paradise) Also instead of wearing a mask, this Phantom skins his victims, patching up his own face, using crude proto-Plastic Surgery with their scraps. There is no chandelier fall in this film, but it is the first version since 1925 to include the masquerade party, where the Phantom shows up in his Red Death costume. There's plenty of blood and guts in this film as the Phantom slashes his way through his enemies. One great scene has him facing a group of would-be muggers in a dark alley. The imagery is overwhelmingly gothic. Very moody. The phantom's underground sanctum, riddled with candles and a pipe organ is classic. The film did badly, I think mainly because it came in the wake of Webber's extremely popular romantic stage musical. Everyone had their idea of what a Phantom film should be, and this just wasn't it. This Phantom was too evil to pity, and he wasn't very romantic. But when you look at the movie objectively, it's pretty good. Much better than most horror films in the 80's. And next to Freddy, Eric Destler-The Phantom is one of Robert Englunds best performances. He's absolutely wonderful. He makes him a very complex character. On one hand he's a very sensitive, brilliant artist with a kind of nobility to him. On the other hand, he's an almost diabolical character. Evil and power-mad. Englund plays this out very well. As I said there are problems. Some things are never properly explained. How the Phantom retains his reign of terror over the Opera isn't fully explored. How did the Phantom go from being a superstitious "theater tradition" to a legend about a man who sold his soul to the devil for music? How did Christine know the words to the Phantom's music? Why didn't she seem surprised at all when her "Angel" turned out to be a recluse living underground? Anyway, I'm nit-picking. Over all a very enjoyable film and a must see for Robert Englund fans.

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In this house of music, evil strikes the final chord! Horror legend Robert Englund (A Nightmare on Elm Street) assumes the classic role of the Phantom in this shocking, nerve-jangling retelling of Gaston LerouxÂ's timeless tale of music, madness and murder!An aspiring opera singer finds herself transported back to Victorian-era London – and into the arms of a reclusive, disfigured maestro determined to make her a star. The silver-throated Christine (Jill Schoelen) enjoys success through the arrangements of her new lover (Englund)Â...until she realizes that he has been committing unspeakably grisly murders in her honor and wonÂ't stop until heÂ's completed his masterpieceÂ...in blood!

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The Polar Express (2004) Review

The Polar Express  (2004)
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I went to see this movie tonight with a mentally handicapped friend - "Michael" -- (from a L'Arche home here in Winnipeg, Canada). We were the first persons in the theatre for the very first evening showing in this city - and we were the last to leave. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves - enchanted by the movie's subtleties and happily exhausted by its roller-coaster rides.
Time and again, Michael (who is sensitive, compassionate and with a good sense of humor) turned to me in the darkness, smiling in appreciation at the exact same moments I turned to see his reactions. Each time this happened, it was at a moment in the film when some little detail, perfectly captured through superb 'cinematography,' brought moisture to my normally cynical eye, and a warm smile to Michael's innocent face.
Some examples: There is a lone, black child on this apparent 'dream train' to the North Pole - a girl of about ten or eleven years, and like a painting come to life, the miraculous technology at work in this film captures the particular sensibilities of this compassionate, black youngster --- We see small mannerisms of someone comfortable with herself in a way the other (ten or so) white kids on the train are not. And the effect is profound --- the movie audience, including some children of that same age group, went silent at such moments in the film.
My friend Michael - who has a 'savant' genius for perceiving my emotions, and expressing them for me out loud in public --- Michael turned to me with a delighted smile when the girl on the train reaches out to hold the hands of the poorest boy, sitting alone in the rear compartment; and later, she hugs two other boys, (one of them the central character) --- at their final parting. At that moment I held up a finger to my lips to try to hush Michael, but couldn't prevent him from saying aloud: "She's such a sweetheart." There were murmurs of appreciation in the darkness around us, responding to this innocent sentiment.
There is a sublime moment, on the back platform of the moving train -- the Northern Lights glimmering in the distance -- when the young girl joins in song with the poorest kid on the train (a younger boy from a dilapidated home on the "far side of the tracks"). I admit to being overcome with emotion during this duet (a lovely, strong melody with poignant lyrics) - and I blurted out loud to Michael, after the first chorus: "What a wonderful song!" The refrain includes the words "When Christmas comes to town." [It's a song so good that, with some future 'cover versions' by serious musicians who could do it justice --- this "Christmas Comes to Town" song could, I believe, deservedly join the small list of true, Christmas 'classics.']
I'd have to agree with anyone who thinks this movie is a little short on plot. And yet . . . once you've suspended disbelief -- beginning with an earth-shattering, Christmas-eve arrival of a steam-puffing, passenger train on a small-town Michigan street, directly outside the home of the movie's central character -- once we've swallowed that premise, the movie disarmingly embraces the child in us, (including our fears) and our reservations vanish without our noticing.
Just as great `realistic' painters, (think Rembrandt or Vermeer) worked wonders of light & shadow that no mere photograph could ever capture, so too this computer-animated marvel takes your breath away through an accumulation of tiny but acute observations that could never be captured by conventional cinematography. Prime examples from the opening scenes:
A shaft of light illuminates the boy's bedroom, and he is reflected in a chrome, automobile hubcap leaning against a wall; at once we share his view -- through the keyhole of his bedroom door - we can see only the backs and the dressing gowns of mother and father, as they say goodnight to the boy's young sister, after determining the state of her belief in Santa's existence - a belief no longer shared by the older brother, whose eye is at the keyhole.
Later, on the train, there's an exquisite close up of the boy's face, a slight blemish above the pores on his upper right cheek; the `camera' pans in rotation, capturing perfectly, the texture of the boy's hair, and that of the young black girl sitting beside him -- subtleties of such perfection one wonders if the unique, artistic accomplishment of "Polar Express" could ever be surpassed.
The film's last scene, consists entirely of a close-up view of a small, silver bell (of the type associated with sleigh rides) with its attached 'ribbon' of red leather. The little bell helps make the final point about `Belief' --- in things unseen, (or forgotten, and thus inaccessible to some adults). So simple, so powerful, so enlightening an image. My friend Michael turned to me at that moment, with a radiant smile. And we just shook our heads in awe.
Yes, this movie must have SOME shortcomings - one or two moments that don't quite work as intended by the creators. But right now, in the afterglow, I can't recall what they were. The film was just too satisfying an experience!
I'm a 57-year-old grandfather who happens to believe that "The Polar Express" is the first, true Christmas classic in almost 60 years. Not since the original Kris Kringle "Miracle" movie of 1947, has any film (to my jaded eye) so transcended our secular, commercial views of the Holiday Season, with such uplifting and fresh reminders of the timeless and true spirit of Christmas.
Mark Blackburn
Winnipeg Canada.

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When a doubting young boy takes an extraordinary train ride to the North Pole, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery that shows him that the wonder of life never fades for those who believe.

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Red HOT Touch: Genital Massage For Men Review

Red HOT Touch: Genital Massage For Men
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This high quality video shows three Naturally attractive couples doing penis massage. There are approximately 20 techniques, a few give ways that you can delay ejaculation, which we think is very helpful. There is also a short extra feature about the making of the video.
The music is trance-like and we find it to be relaxing. The video is educational both in the narration and visuals and we had no problems learning from it. It was great when combined with the Genital Massage for Women DVD.
Another reviewer recommended FIRE ON THE MOUNTAIN, which we love, but it is two men sharing genital massage, whereas this video is women with men, if that matters to you.
Overall we think that this is one of the best Erotic Massage videos out there.

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Red hot touch is jaiya's masterful series on increasing intimacy and improving lovemaking, and it stands as one of the most erotic and informative works on the subject.the fourth dvd of the series covers the male anatomy and the ways to maximize and heighten his pleasure.have him wrapped around your fingers as jaiya shows you over 20 techniques for him that will make this his favorite dvd in your collection.if you are looking to add some spice to your love life, pick up the red hot touch series and you will have red hot stories for a lifetime.

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Goosebumps: Night of the Living Dummy (1995) Review

Goosebumps: Night of the Living Dummy (1995)
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The night of the living dummy is a hit at our household. We are already looking to buy the second one. Delivery and condition was as promised.

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Clifford: The Big Red Dog - Growing Up With Clifford (2006) Review

Clifford: The Big Red Dog - Growing Up With Clifford (2006)
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Now that John Ritter has passed (RIP) and no new episodes are being made, this series continues its trot to DVD. Lionsgate is handling the releases now, under the "Scholastic Clifford the Big Red Dog" banner.
"Growing Up With Clifford" contains the usual eight "Clifford" stories, with the them of learning about growing and handling responsibilities. The stories are "Blanket Blues," "Food for Thought," "When I Grow Up," "Fishing Lessons," "Dog for a Day," "Nothing to Fur but Fur Itself," "Another Fine Mess" and "Vaz Goes Down the Tubes."
There are a couple of halfway decent special features. You get three "Speckle" stories and a feature that shows how to draw some of the characters, such as Clifford, Emily Elizabeth, T-Bone and Cleo.

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Harlan County War (2000) Review

Harlan County War (2000)
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Top rating deserved for subject matter and positive portrayal of unsung heroes, but falls short of hitting pure excellence in lack of research and failure to film in Kentucky. Holly Hunter would have won the Golden Globe if she had been allowed to spend any time in Kentucky before filming. The many Emmy nominations suggest true grandeur if the movie had actually been about the intended subject matter instead of Tony Bill deciding what he thought had happened.

The time line, scenery, and vocabulary were the most disturbing errors.

If they had gone to the actual place, they would have known that it does not take long for the women to get riled, and they take up sticks much faster than suggested. There are still laws on the books that compare the danger of a Kentucky woman with a stick versus two men with guns. Also, the incident of people walking up to each other and shooting them dead without comment was ridiculously downplayed. There was and is much more "just as soon shoot ya as look at ya" going on, and these are men of action not words.

Most painful was when Hunter looks out and comments that she has seen the same "mountains" all her life (and has only been to Lexington once). The scene shows a Canadian scene completely foreign to Kentucky instead of the Appalachians that are unusually beautiful in those parts. Everyone knows they are "hills" and that is what they are called. Lexington is referred to as the city, and young girls get out that way more often than once per lifetime. When a Kentucky woman looks out her kitchen window and says "its like heaven come right down to earth," it is obvious why she never wanted to be anyplace else, and that is what the movie lacks.

Other strange points include the presentation of hog brains as a delicacy. Maybe squirrel brains, but on the hog, the common thing would be the Rocky Mountain Oysters. Also, the repeated reference to "moon shine" although it is called white lightening or mountain dew (moon shining is bootlegging, and has a different connotation). The most ridiculous is when the one wife says her cover for sneaking out is to borrow some "pinto beans" from Hunter, but a pinto is a horse. I mean, everyone knows what "soup beans" are, but I do not think anyone ever heard the word pinto used to describe a bean in Kentucky. The director allowed several similar word choices that would have been corrected by having ever been there.

The movie has a wise old relative come up from Knoxville to remind the women that they used to call it Bloody Harlan. HELLO, Bloody Harlan & Bloody Breathitt, two of the four counties that never had to draft a man because they signed up 100% to go kill the enemy and still trade number one positions as the highest per capita murder rates in the nation. If the director had ever been there, he woulda knowed that.

Other than that, the movie was first rate. Whatever money was saved by filming in Toronto, would have been recouped by actually filming in Harlan.

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Academy Award-winning actress Holly Hunter stars as Ruby, the wife of a coal miner in Harlan County, Kentucky. After two senseless deaths, the union calls a strike against the mining company. What follows is one of the most violent, bitter and notorious union battles in history. With no end to the violence in sight, Ruby decides to fight the company her own way.

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The Super Inframan (1975) Review

The Super Inframan (1975)
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This is one of the greatest movies ever. If anyone used to like Power Rangers when they were little, then get ready for the greatest episode ever! Hap Wong, a character actor who has been in all types of kung fu movies over the years plays the lead scientist who heads a group who look for unnatural events happening. Well one has happened, the Dragon Mom Princess with her monsters and skeleton gang have taken over the world. Just great. Danny Lee from John Woo's 'The Killer' plays a scientist who is eager to save the world. Hap Wong has a special invention which will turn him into Inframan, a super human being with great strength and special laser beams that can destroy the monsters. Danny Lee becomes Inframan and saves people from all of these evil monsters.
I was just expecting a kiddie movie but a hell of a lot of time was put into this. This movie is from 1975 but the special effects are surprisingly fun. The monster costumes are great and the lasers aren't too bad. The final battle includes some good silly fun. It doesn't try to be, but this movie is just loaded with campy fun. Watching the scientist cross the river on a boat with this green monster to go negotiate with Princess Dragon Mom had me laughing out loud for a while. Talk about memory burn, I don't think I will ever get that image out of my head. Also look out for Bruce Le who was a bad Bruce Lee clone and does some good kung fu in here. Also it seems that Danny Lee is actually the man behind the mask, it just made the movie that much better. Not great kung fu, but better than average and great for a weird movie of this kind.
The release by Image Entertainment is outstanding. They have the rights from Celestial Pictures and the movie is remastered to perfection, letterboxed and all. You will have to turn the volume way up to hear the english dub but the and mandarin track has really good sound. It also has an hour of trailers! Wandering Swordsman is on there and I have always wanted to see that. Also Deadly Breaking Sword and a ton of other Shaw relaeses are on their. They also have a ton of non shaw brothers trailers and some look very weird to say the least. One that looks very interesting is Blood Stained Tradewinds which looks to be a 1990 dark drama from Ku Lung Wuxia novel director Chor Yuen. There is also a nice photo gallery and an insert with liner notes. The interview with the director says you have to put it in your DVD rom drive. I am not good with computers. Can someone tell me how to play this?

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Loveless: Vocal Collection (2005) Review

Loveless: Vocal Collection (2005)
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OMG I WAS SOOOOOOO HAPPY WHEN I HEARD LOVELESS GOT DUBBED!!!! I was like finally, and i wasn't disapointed. Besides the teacher the voice acting was perfect!!I'm not really gonna go into a detali review like i did with the orignal subb box set. but I will say it's a cute series more Shonen-ai then yaoi but still something every yaoi fanboy or fangirl should have!!!!

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Wedding Daze (2004) Review

Wedding Daze (2004)
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"Wedding Daze" is a Hallmark TV movie that centers around a father with 3 daughters who all become engaged and begin planning their weddings at the same time! There are several times that the movie reminds me of "Father of the Bride," but I have to say that I think "Wedding Daze" is much more humorous. The family sentiment and closeness is nice; the romances are great. It is a chick flick, but it is an A+ movie!

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Item Name: Wedding Daze; Studio:Gaiam

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Pokemon the First Movie: Mewtwo vs. Mew (1999) Review

Pokemon the First Movie: Mewtwo vs. Mew  (1999)
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My review is purely from a parent's perspective:
I have twoboys, 9 and almost 11. They love Pokemon. They loved Ninja Turtles,Power Rangers, Star Wars, etc. so you know they are prone to being led by commercialism. Pokemon encourages nurturing, caring, and ideals like honesty, acceptance, and forgiveness. The good trainers protect and care for Pokemon. The bad guys exploit them and put their own selfish motives ahead of the Pokemon. The middle-can-be-turned-around characters learn from their mistakes and are forgiven by the main characters. Even Jessie and James occasionally show remorse and are treated with compassion.
Do Pokemon battle? Yes. Unlike Ninja Turtles, Power Rangers, and Star Wars, however, a Pokemon doesn't have to be hurt or killed to be defeated. Their weapons are inner strengths that they are born with. And no trainer worth his salt lets his Pokemon get injured. It's not hard to take the lessons from Pokemon and apply them to the reality of the child.
It's like Beanie Babies -- I know they're making a fortune leading our kids around by the nose. But it's relatively benign and I watch every video with them to make sure nothing changes. On a long trip in the truck, I let them play the two CD's -- the music is actually very enjoyable for me (and I'm 46!) and contains no bad language.
And I liked Pikachu's Vacation film much better than the actual Pokemon movie... but my boys loved both!

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This is the first movie of Pokemon and also includes the first battle between Mewtwo and Mew!

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Crash: Season 1 Review

Crash: Season 1
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This is a difficult series to review. I would say that it is less than the sum of its parts.
There are several storylines that are extremely entertaining:
(1) the has-been rock and roll producer who wants to find one final "star act" before his career (and life) goes down in flames;
(2) the woman who suspects that her estranged father was always right about her husband's career prospects;
(3) another woman who suspects that her lover may be a mob enforcer/ contract killer;
(4) an illegal alien who is attempting to make it in America -- crossing the border with only the bloody shirt on his back.
However, I thought that each of these stories would have been better told as four distinctive full length movies than as they are presented here as a (very loosely) interwoven story.
The acting in the series is strong as is the writing in the majority of the episodes. But, in the 2nd Season, I would like a rationale as to why I should view this series as one complete narrative as opposed to a collection of fascinating short stories.

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From the producers of the Academy Award®-winning Best Motion Picture of the same title, "Crash" takes an in-depth, up-close and deeply personal look at some of the lives slamming together in the melting post of Los Angeles. Led by film icon Dennis Hopper, it's here where all ends of the social spectrum meet that collisions happen, shattering lives and creating new futures. Now, for the first time on DVD, the complete first season of this daring drama from Starz is available in this 4-disc set. Includes all 13 compelling episodes plus tons of bonus features!
Stills from Crash: Season 1 (Click for larger image)

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Panic Room (Superbit Collection) (2002) Review

Panic Room (Superbit Collection) (2002)
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I had to wonder, coming out of the theater, if PANIC ROOM wasn't David Fincher's attempt to Keep Hollywood Happy. After his brilliant FIGHT CLUB suffered mixed reviews and box office failure, he must have been aware that he needed a Big Hit if he wanted to keep making movies.
Enter PANIC ROOM, a dark, sharp thriller which showcases the talents of Jodie Foster and Forest Whitaker in a cat-and-mouse game between the new owner of a house and the builder of its security systems who is hoping to steal something the previous owner left behind: Whitaker and his crew break in, thinking the new occupants haven't yet moved in, and Foster has time to rush herself and her daughter into the house's Panic Room, an extremely secure high-tech saferoom: the room keeps the intruders out, but it also keeps their intended victims in.
Foster is brilliant as the claustrophobic mom who will do anything to keep her daughter safe, but the film comes up short when she makes choices that most of the audience will perceive as short-sighted at best and stupid at worst. Foster overcomes this script shortcoming by playing the choices convincingly--you can read the conundrum in her face and believe in her reasoning when she makes the poor choice.
It's a credit to Whitaker that his "villain" character remains sympathetic throughout--he's not the sort of terrorist-cum-robber that made Alan Rickman famous in DIE HARD. You find yourself hoping that some accord can be reached--that he can just get what he wants and get out safely. Unfortunately, his psychotic partners-in-crime make that an impossibility.
Fincher has always done an excellent job of taking us to the dark side of things, leading the camera into places that the human eye could never see. I'm not sure PANIC ROOM will have the staying power and rewatchability of FIGHT CLUB or SE7EN, but it's definitely the sort of taut thriller that's been missing from the A-movie circuit for years. Not quite a Popcorn Movie...more like a hint of Summer in early Spring.

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An effective exercise in "confined cinema," "Panic Room" is a finely crafted thriller that ultimately transcends the thinness of its premise. David Koepp's screenplay is basically "Wait Until Dark" on steroids, so director David Fincher ("Seven", "The Game") compensates with elaborate CGI-assisted camera moves, jazzing up his visuals while a relocated New York divorc?©e (Jodie Foster) and her daughter (Kristen Stewart) fight for their lives against a trio of tenacious burglars (Jared Leto, Forest Whitaker, Dwight Yoakam) in their new Manhattan townhouse. They're safe in a customized, impenetrable "panic room," but the burglars want what's in the room's safe, so mother and daughter (and Koepp and Fincher) must find clever ways to turn the tables and persevere. Suspense and intelligence are admirably maintained, with Foster (who replaced the then-injured Nicole Kidman) riffing on her "Silence of the Lambs" resourcefulness. It's not as viscerally satisfying as Fincher's previous thrillers, but "Panic Room" definitely holds your attention. "--Jeff Shannon"

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Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law, Vol. 1 (2000) Review

Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law, Vol. 1 (2000)
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Harvey Birdman is an old HB character that Adult Swim (late nights on Cartoon Network)decided to give a face-lift to. Harvey didn't quite hack it as a superhero, but he knows enough about the law to be dangerous! Harvey tries cases of former/current HB characters including Fred Flintstone, Shaggy and Scooby, Dynomutt, and Speed Buggy. The episodes include:
BANNON CUSTODY BATTLE: Remember Jonny Quest? It seems his dad, Dr. Quest and his "partner" Race Bannon are involved in a grueling custody battle over Jonny and little Hadji. Prosecuting attorney Vulturo seems to be winning until Harvey discovers some evidence that may put him over the top.
VERY PERSONAL INJURY: Apache Chief has an embarassing incident with a large cup of very hot coffee from a local coffee chain . He hires Harvey as his attorney to sue Javalux, as he no longer can "grow large at will" after the accident. Prosecuting attorney Reducto has a scheme up his sleeve to help Chief get his teepee back and win the case.
SHAGGY BUSTED: In one of the funniest episodes, we see the Mystery Machine being pulled over via a camera from a cop car (much like "COPS"). Shaggy and Scooby need a good lawyer to beat the charges of smoking pot (always implied, never stated)and Harvey takes the case. Ex-Thespian Prosecuter Spyro not only tries the case, but performs in a stirring rendition of the events of the night in question.
DEATH BY CHOCOLATE: Yogi and Boo-Boo find themselves in a heap of trouble when the ATF swarm their cave and arrest Boo-Boo on charges that he is the terrorist known as "The Unabooboo". Obviously, they need a good lawyer, but Harvey Birdman will do.
SHOYU WEENIE: Jabberjaw and the Neptunes are being sued by a Japanese pop band called Shoyu Weenie for stealing their hit song. Harvey's paralegal Peanut takes the opportunity to hit on the band's female member and finds a way to save the day.
THE DABBA DON: This is my all-time favorite episode. Opening with the theme from "The Sopranos", Fred Flinstone seeks Harvey's advice to expand "a few small businesses". Everything seems to be on the up and up until a few details tie Fred in with the Mob. The episode features my favorite judge Mentok the Mind Taker.
DEADOMUTT, PARTS I and II: Blue Falcon joins the firm as a hot new attorney with his pal DynoMutt in tow. Harvey, crushed that Falcon swooped in and stole the open position of 'partner' from under him, doesn't even try to hide his jealousy and dislike for Falcon, and figures he'd be nothing without DynoMutt to do all his work for him. Now Harvey has a lot of explaining to do when DynoMutt is found mangled up in the copy machine. Harvey is arrested, tried and sentenced to be electrocuted. It's up to Peanut to come to the rescue armed with evidence and heavy sarcasm.
X, THE EXTERMINATOR: X the Eliminator has his memory jarred when he sees and ad with Harvey and his new law firm. Apparently, he was supposed to kill Harvey years ago but never finished him off. Now, he poses as X the Exterminator to get into Harvey's building and finish the job- if he can get over the fact that Harvey barely remembers him and keeps blowing him off for a coffee date.
SPF: After years of gaining power from the sun's rays, Harvey finds a suspicious "spot" on his skin (that oddly resembles Frida Kahlo). The dermatologist insists he stay out of the sun and use a strong SPF. But Harvey becomes listless and tired, not to mention pasty as the underside of a fish. Peanut introduces him to self-tanning cream, and Harvey quickly becomes addicted to the stuff. Peanut uses the opportunity to be his SPF "Candyman", demanding more and more valuables from Harvey in exchange for the goods. It's up to the rest of the firm to throw Harvey an "intervention party".
THE DEVLIN MADE ME DO IT: Daredevil Ernie Devlin is being sued by a kid that injured himself trying one of his famous jumps. Harvey decides the kid is faking it and attacks him- in the courtroom- in his wheelchair. When that severely backfires, Harvey has to do some fancy dancing to win the case.
TRIO'S COMPANY: Harvey represents Inch-High Private Eye when the tiny detective insists he's been fired because of his smaller stature. Meanwhile, Harvey has become smitten with the trainer at his healthclub. But everyone seems to be her "friend", except him.
HIGH SPEED BUGGY CHASE: In an O.J. inspired opener, Speed Buggy gets arrested for leading the cops on a high speed chase. Harvey is hired as defender, but loses a jealous Avenger (his legal eagle assistant) to rival attorney Vulturo. Harvey is forced to downsize to a legal finch.
The DVD also features a ficticious 'movie' trailer and a lot of behind the scenes stuff. There are also auditions for Harvey with Todd Barry and Stephen Colbert (the voice of Reducto). The "Tab" soda scene from "Shaggy Busted" is shown as a video, including lyrics. And finally, deleted scenes from the 2 part episode "DeadoMutt" are here. Of all the Adult Swim cartoons, "Harvey Birdman" is definitely may favorite ("Sealab 2021" and "Aqua Teen Hunger Force" are 2nd and 3rd, repsectively). Get a taste of delicious insanity today!

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Once a third-rate superhero, Harvey Birdman is now a third-rate lawyer trying like hell to get by in a fancy law firm. It's not clear whether Harvey actually went to law school, but he definitely knows the things to say to sound like a lawyer. And he has a suit now, that's for sure.DVD Features:Audio CommentaryDeleted ScenesOtherTheatrical Trailer

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