
Sassy Girl Chun-Hyang Korean Drama (2005) Review

Sassy Girl Chun-Hyang Korean Drama (2005)
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This was one of the top 10 Korean Drama of 2005, constantly in number 1 spot and rightfully so.
But if you don't like mushy stuff this series isn't for you.. At times it is a bit excessively corny. However the story line is unique and worth watching.. With good acting by Jae Hee and Chae-yeong and almost everyone else.
The editorial review / product description is about 5% right.. The series was made by KBS (Korean Broadcasting System) not PBS. It is the modern day version of the Legend of Chun-Hyang. In this series Seong Chun Hyang (Han Chae Young) is a daughter of a poor cabaret singer. She is pretty, independent and the smartest girl in school. Lee Mong-ryong (Jae Hee) is the bratty son of the police chief, who's always in trouble. The two high school kids are forced into an arranged marriage due to a drunken night incident, where they slept in a same room, which led to a huge rumor and an uncomfortable situation. This is where the story begins.
I'm not going to get into the details and ruin the spoiler. But watch it you might like it. It's the ultimate chick flick with lots of twists and turns and tragedy and finally a happy ending. I absolutely loved the hilarious previous life and other korean drama parodies the series pulled. Like the legend, there's rich and powerful Byun Hak-do who falls in love with Chun-Hyang and manipulates Chun-Hyang to break up with Mong-Ryong. There's also Chae-rin who is Mong-Ryong's first crush who wants the couple to break up.
Another name of the series is.. Delightful Girl Choon-Hyang (or Chun-Hyang).. I wish Amazon could post trailers of the videos.. You can find the trailer on you tube I guess..

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Take Down (1979) (1979) Review

Take Down (1979)  (1979)
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Probably the only thing Lorenzo Lamas has done that I was able to take seriously, Takedown is a solid portrayal of a lower working-class teen trying to balance attending high-school with the need to work in order to help support his family. Maureen McCormick plays a classmate who Lamas hopes to...er...'take down'(hee hee). No, actually it's a bittersweet movie about growing up among the have-nots, but finding that what you need was within yourself all along (or some Hallmark card-inspired nonsense like that). Might as well purchase it on VHS, since the likelihood of it ever getting updates to dvd is essentially nil.

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Pandora Peaks / Finders Keepers, Lovers Weepers Review

Pandora Peaks / Finders Keepers, Lovers Weepers
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Russ Meyer's "Pandora Peaks" gets a bad rap, but it is a fitting final film celebrating all the sexy things Meyer celebrated. While there is no story, there is wit and self-parody. "Pandora Peaks" is a remake or a redo of his wistful "Mondo Topless" in the 1960s complete with tape recorders. I don't share Meyer's predilections, but I find a lot of things to enjoy in his films and I find them in "Pandora Peaks".
Perhaps "Pandora Peaks" is his Warhol film. You can come and go as you please. Leave it playing and check it out as you go about your household chores.
"Finders Keepers Losers Weepers", which I had not seen before, is probably more conventional and straight than his official straight films, "Beyond the Valley of the Dolls" and "The Seven Minutes". Could have been better with humour, but still a good B grade thriller to pass the time away.

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The Song of the Lark (2001) Review

The Song of the Lark (2001)
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After the horrid job Hollywood did on her novel A LOST LADY, Willa Cather refused to allow her works to be converted to dramatic form--and she put it in her will. But that was before Masterpiece Theater raised the stakes for the transformation of literary classics to film. Now that a few of Cather's works are no longer in copyright, some have been filmed with mixed results. The Masterpiece Theater film, THE SONG OF THE LARK, is the best of the lot, a fine presentation of the story of a young girl who finds her voice when she connects the two things--the western lands and the music--that she loves. This production has the good sense to end the story at its climax, leaving the weaker ending (which Cather herself acknowledged) to the reader's imagination.

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Wagner - Die Walkure / Levine, Behrens, Norman, Metropolitan Opera (1991) Review

Wagner - Die Walkure / Levine, Behrens, Norman, Metropolitan Opera (1991)
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I was privileged to see James Morris perform the role of Wotan in another of the Ring operas, Das Rheingold. In this DVD, filmed over a decade before I saw him live, he is absolutely fabulous. He is a tall, imposingly built individual and with his great baritone/bass voice, he is made for this role. Hildegard Behrens (who I have also seen live many years ago) sings the role of Brunnhilde. She sings it well and does an enthusiastic job of acting. Of course, in a DVD the camera can pan in and therefore, the viewer can see that she was much older than the character Brunnhilde would have been. This is not a real drawback, however since this is inevitable in opera. There just don't happen to be 18 or 20 year old divas so, the role will naturally be played by someone a decade or two older. But when you see it live, your eyes cannot zoom in for a closeup as can a camera.
The highlight of Die walkure, for me, is the third act when Brunnhilde desparately tries to escape the wrath of her father, Wotan, for having defied him in her failure to cause Siegmund's death. She is unable to evade him for long and must take her punishment. I once read a description of this opera in which it is said that the fire of Wotan's anger goes away but not the steel. Brunnhilde's punishment is that she is to lose her godly powers and be put into a deep sleep to be awakened by the first man who finds her. She then must submit to this man as his wife.
The furious Wotan is bent upon carrying out the punsihment, however Brunnhilde's pleas weigh on his heart. Despite his anger, he loves her dearly. He cannot, however, go back on what he sees as his duty to carry out the punishment. But, as I said, the fire is now gone from his anger and he softens the blow. She pleads that she at least be claimed by a man who is a great hero, not some run of the mill mortal. Therefore, Wotan calls upon Loge, the god of fire to build a ring of fire around her as she sleeps so only a hero will be able to break through to claim her. The fact that Brunnhilde wants only to be claimed by a great hero is moving in an interesting way. Obviously, if anyone can find and awaken her, she will not be lost in a deep sleep for long. The first passerby, even if he is a total coward, will be able to claim her. However, she is willing to be lost in a deep slumber for decades or centuries, maybe forever, if a great enough hero never finds her. To her, the worse of the two fates would be to have to submit to a coward.
In all of the arts, this may be the most moving and emotional tear jerker of a scene. Wotan has granted her wish to be rescued only by a hero. Morris is so beautifully cast as a loving, fatherly Wotan. This powerful figure tenderly embraces his daughter as they say their emotional faiwells. The juxtoposition of his deep, tender love with his resolve to carry out the punishment is heart rending. I have seen this role sung by two other Wotans and to me, Morris is the best. By the way, I will see another Wotan in a few weeks since I have tickets to a performance at the Met.

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Haunting of Sarah Hardy (1989) Review

Haunting of Sarah Hardy  (1989)
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This one's a mixed bag--but Sela Ward and Michael Woods are AWESOME in every scene they have together. I wouldn't spend the money that this website is charging for the video, however. Seventy bucks for a made-for-TV movie? Come on. Even the hot, hot theatrical releases don't cost that much on DVD when they first come out. That's gotta be a typo. . .but I digress.
I caught this one on ABCFamily Channel the other night, and while the setting is beautiful and the actors do a great job with the material they're given, something about the whole thing was just. . .off.
Sela Ward--who stands with Jennifer Aniston and Susan Sarandon as one of the most beautiful women in show biz today--has the title role. We also see Roscoe Born--who played Joe Novak in "Ryan's Hope"--as the childhood friend who's always been in love with Sarah and still is, even though she's chosen another man to marry. And Morgan Fairchild--another beautiful lady who, alas, always gets stuck with the second banana, duplicitous friend role. Michael Woods--a man with a very familiar face, maybe from print or TV ads--is Sarah's sexy new husband. (Someone give this man a starring role of his own--he's worth watching!!) Veteran actress and former cosmetics executive Polly Bergen is almost unrecognizable here as a longtime secretary/housekeeper to Sarah's family.
This film is lovely to look at. Most of the action takes place at the mansion where Sarah grew up and has now returned to live as a newlywed. Both Sela and Morgan are elegantly dressed--although Morgan's clothing is always flashier, where Sela's is more understated and everyday elegant. And don't get me started on Michael Woods again--the man is a hunk:)
The problems with this film begin in about the last half-hour to 45 minutes. It seems as though the directors took too much time setting things up, and then had to race to the finish, leaving out some things in the process. At the end of the film, you realize that there are two main characters who simply vanished from the storyline--and this would have been out of character for them, given the established plot. This is a real problem in the final scene, when it's implied that the previous scene happened early in the day and now it's night-time. The character who does not show up in the last scene would have definitely had time to get there and possibly change the outcome. Hello? What happened? Is there something we didn't see on the cutting room floor?
This needs a sequel or to be re-released with the Director's cut. Like I said, it's just out of whack in some way. Again, I wouldn't pay anything to buy or rent it. But next time it's rerun on TV, I would watch that first half-hour or so again just to watch Sela Ward and Michael Woods in the wedding and newlywed scenes. Someone give that man a show of his own!!

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Escape From Mars (1999) Review

Escape From Mars  (1999)
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Escape from Mars is a film set in the year 2016, in which five astronauts journey to the red planet, on the first manned mission to another planet. The film is reasonably realistic, although the build up to, and the climax, is rather unconvincing. Although the film is science fiction, it seems more like a recount, due to the weak message which the movie portrays, which I believe to be `taking risks can reward'. The plot, however, is complex enough to compensate for these matters. I believe that if the climax was more heavily anticipated and the message was emphasised more, then the movie would be very powerful.
The technical effects are very advanced. The spacecraft in which the astronauts travelled looks extremely realistic, and it's movement seems to abide to the laws of physics. To the untrained eye you cannot imagine how they filmed the spacecraft, although after playing the movie multiple times I did see a tiny string of nylon suspending the spacecraft in mid-air.
The amount of thought that was put into this movie was, in my opinion, was not as much as it could be. The movie at some points was lacking clarity, due to the fact that some sections were not emphasised enough, thus making it hard to understand. I also believe that the movie lacked some simple research, for example, when shots of the exterior of the space craft were filmed, you could here sounds, although sound does not travel through space. The astronauts were also filmed walking normally with their feet on the ground in a zero gravity environment, although this may be intentional, to show the technology advancement. As the film is set in the future, you would expect the technology to be different. In this movie, the technology has been changed adequately enough to show that there has been a technology advance, but so much that it becomes unfeasible. An example of the technology advance can be found within the computers used in mission control, which are a different shape and use a different user interface.
I believe that this movie was worth watching, and I did enjoy, because of the sense of realism, and the outstanding technical effects. It is obvious that a lot of work went into this movie, and that it should be commended. If I were to rate this film, I would give it four stars. Escape from Mars is appropriate for viewers older than eight, as it does require the presence of some technical knowledge and understanding. I would recommend this movie.

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Sacred Sin Review

Sacred Sin
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Two compelling reasons, "Catherine" and "Rise." Does Eddie look cadaverous in his corresponding videos (YouTube 'em). And the sound, er, well, they're not exactly songs, they're fragments ~ with unholy guitar wailing, squonking and shredding. Deterioration never sounded so sublime. Guest appearance by the Charvel Frank. I wanna a big Warners box of this stuff! And, ahh, the "movie"?; just d-rate playboy junk, whatever. Eddie's unreal on these tracks, the groggy continuation of VH3. More red, exhausted but hellishly delicious.

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Many Kisses Later ( Ex ) Review

Many Kisses Later ( Ex )
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Just saw this movie Saturday night at the Italian film festival. It came out in Feb. 2009 and was nominated for and won several awards. There are numerous interwoven stories, with a talented cast of veteran actors who are perfectly chosen for their parts. Filled with episodes of both roll-on-the-floor hilarity and tears-in-the-eyes poignancy. Best movie of any kind, in any language, that we've seen in the last couple of years. If only it were easier to rent (from Netflix, Blockbuster, etc.) or in general distribution in U.S. theaters! The only way to get a copy that I could find is here on Amazon, at $30+ for Region 2 (Europe) DVD.

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The Last Married Couple in America (1980) Review

The Last Married Couple in America  (1980)
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An extremely funny film! A compilation of comedy that is hysterical from beginning to end! Dom Deluise is at his best in his supporting role as George Segal's good friend, and George Segal, as always, is wildly emotional! Valerie Harper is also on hand and gives a great performance as Natalie Wood's best friend. Natalie Wood is stunning and quite funny as the wife of George Segal. It shows her acting talents in a different light and gives us another side to remember her by.

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GROW Marijuana the Ultimate Endless Harvest - 15lbs in 80days Review

GROW Marijuana the Ultimate Endless Harvest - 15lbs in 80days
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Don't bother getting this unless you already own everything else! It's good to see everyone's setup, but SeeMoreBuds doesn't show you much. This movie is more for an entertaining view, than to be an informative guide from which to learn. SeeMoreBuds does NOT show you details regarding PH, PPM, nutrient usage, equipment requirements, etc... If you seek knowledge, learn from a pro: High Times Growers Series: Jorge Cervantes' Ultimate Grow DVD

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Naked Wishes (Unrated Edition) (2000) Review

Naked Wishes (Unrated Edition)  (2000)
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Any moron who picks up this movie for plot or character development deserves to be disappointed. For a T&A flick, you won't find many softcore releases better. There are constant sex scenes, very erotic and makes you say to yourself "I hope my friends leave soon." Seriously, there is some NC-17 level (almost X) action that will leave your palms raw or your girl hot and bothered. Pick it up and keep it mind what the aim of this movie is.

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Jumanji 2 (1997) Review

Jumanji 2  (1997)
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My kindergartner loves the Jumanji movie starring Robin Williams, and when I saw that there was an animated show based on the movie, I checked several different sites to see if there was a DVD of the entire show, seasons 1-3. Fortunately, we subscribe to an online movie rental site which has made all three seasons available for instant download and instant play and she has been watching them in order.
I do not think this VHS is worth the price for only two episodes. Season Two contains 13 episodes in all, running between 21 to 22 minutes per episode, as listed below:
The Red and the Black
The Eye of the Sea
Brantford, the Game
Air Judy
The Palace of Clues
The Master of the Game
Mud Boy
The Magic Chest
The Trail
The Riddle of Alan
Night of the Hunters
The Plague

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Knockin' on Heaven's Door (1998) Review

Knockin' on Heaven's Door (1998)
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A little bit like "Lock, stock, and Two Smoking Barrels" with less people involved in the story. Great movie if you can watch it. The German only made it a bit difficult for me!
Once the major downfall I found with the film was the lack of subtitles on the copy that I had purchased. This time I gave it a 5 star so people might actually look at it, one. Two, because the film itself was a 5, and this region 2 version may have the one thing I had missing.
*I do not own the DVD listed here on amazon, but this is the only copy I have ever seen with English language listed on it.

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Annie's Point - Hallmark Channel Original Movie Review

Annie's Point - Hallmark Channel Original Movie
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I have searched for the movie Annie's Point starring Betty White, Richard Thomas and Amy Davidson for over a year. I recorded it before trying to make a purchase. There is no suggested dialogue, language, violence or sex. It is funny and also serious. It will be aired January 15, 2008 on Hallmark Channel at 9:00 pm. If enough people will write reviews maybe the studio that made this film will make it available on DVD.

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Sex Court The Movie DVD Unrated Uncut Mia Zottoli Julie Strain Region 1 Ntsc Import Spanish Cover (2001) Review

Sex Court The Movie DVD Unrated Uncut Mia Zottoli Julie Strain Region 1 Ntsc Import Spanish Cover (2001)
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This is obviously a softcore parody of the daytime judge shows that are all over TV these days. Fortunately, the parody is kept to a minimum and the softcore is cranked to the max. Yes there are some extremely lame attempts at humor that rival the stupidity of a PBS British sitcom, but the sex scenes in this video are plentiful and very good. This is directed by John Quinn who has given us excellent material in the past and continues his winning streak here. This ranks with the best softcore that I have ever seen.
You get eight full sex scenes. Six are straight boy/girl and two are all girl three-ways. Julie Strain is only in one scene so if you're expecting a lot of her, just be warned. But Julie strain wasn't the big selling point for me. The gorgeous Ava Lake has two excellent scenes. Also, the always great Inari Vachs has three scenes. One of them has her in a really cute cheerleader outfit. Inari, Ava, and Julie are also the participants in one of the all girl three-ways.
The other all girl three-way was really memorable too. Skye Ashton, Stephanie Swinney, and some other girl frolic in the kitchen while slathering each other with ice cream, whipped cream, and chocolate syrup. Stephanie and Skye haven't shown up in much other stuff, which is a shame because both are real knockouts.
Nikki Fairchild and Regina Russell are also present and have one scene each. To top it off, there are enough short, "almost" scenes throughout the video that if you put them all together, you'd have the equivalent of another sex scene.
Great stuff!

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Adam at 6 a.m. (1970) Review

Adam at 6 a.m.  (1970)
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Although I can answer the question of what movie they watched at the drive-in ("The Reivers"-1969), there is no obvious explanation for the "Adam at 6A.M" title. Adam (played by Michael Douglas) does not do anything special at 6AM- maybe the title just symbolizes his impulsiveness, since 6AM could be considered the waking hour of each new day. Anyway, Adam is a newly minted linguistics professor at a California college. He comes from a wealthy California family (his father is a relatively famous musician turned house builder) with roots in small-town western Missouri. Adam has just received his PhD and an appointment as an assistant professor. Summer break has begun and it gives him an opportunity at age 30 to stand back and take a look at where he is and where he is going. He doesn't particularly like what he sees and upon learning of a distant aunt's death in Missouri he impulsively drives there for her funeral, in his Porsche 911 (if it was a Porsche 6AM it would at least explain the title).
Given its 1970 release, this film unsuccessully attempted to cash in on the box-office success of The Graduate and Easy Rider. While there are related themes it is considerably less imaginative and much more conventional in tone and production technique.
As the vaguely disgusted Adam drives east into the unknown his energy level increases with his forward motion. The awkward and uncomfortable moments at the funeral and the reception are the most authentic scenes in the film. A highlight is a discussion of the movie "Blow-up" with a disgusted relative who went to the film thinking from its title that it was a war picture.
Adam is about to move on when he is introduced to Jerri Jo (Lee Purcell). They go to a drive-in movie (see The Reivers comment above) and soon fall in love. Unfortunately the Douglas/Purcell romantic scenes are weak and only the hormonal aspect of their relationship is believable. Douglas decides to spend the summer in Missouri and gets a job clearing brush for the local power company. The work crew certainly looks authentic; since they only have a couple lines of dialogue they may have actually been some local hicks.
He thrives in his new job and sincerely enjoys the change of pace and the lack of complications. He becomes friends with Joe Don Baker (apparently the only other professional actor on the crew) and sees how his marriage and kids keep him trapped in a going nowhere life. For some reason this depressing situation inspires him to propose to Jerri Jo, who has a very different idea of what their marriage will be like. There was a little foreshadowing about this back when Adam was explaining his academic specialty (semantics) to one of his relatives; he cited the communication problems that occur between two people when they have different meanings for the same word. Adam's idea of marriage is traveling around together having adventures. Jerri Jo's idea of marriage is setting up house in her hometown with her husband teaching semantics at the local college.
It slowly dawns on Adam that he and his prospective bride do not share the same vision of marriage. This is done through a wonderful semi-montage sequence of engagement party decorations, father-in-law dressed in an apron, hair curlers, laughing relative, domestic discussions with Jerri Jo's girlfriends, and the ice cream fetching errand. Adam leaves the party and drives to the A&P for ice cream. You suspect that he is going to bail out on the whole Missouri thing so having him actually buy the ice cream was a stroke of genius. He could have just left town immediately but this builds suspense, puts a more positive slant on his decision to leave (i.e. it is not just an impulsive irresponsible act-he gives it careful consideration), and it provides a prop for a great final image.
What Adam is saying is that he does not want to be like most people, he does not want to construct a small world for himself where he can keep everything orderly. He does not know exactly what he wants but he does know for certain that he does not want the average. Although this is a low budget production with some major flaws, it is a very solid effort. The theme is compelling, the score communicates as much as the dialogue, Douglas and Baker do a good job, and Purcell is very pretty.
Then again, what do I know? I'm only a child.

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